Imagine you're standing at the door to my tiny home in Central Nebraska, and there are children running around everywhere and my dogs are begging you to pay attention to them, and I'm hollering from the dining room "Come in!" and waving wildly to come into my imperfect space, with no trim on the windows and doors and baseboards and homeschool stuff scattered and I'm walking into the kitchen asking if I could make you a cup of coffee. You're looking around and probably thinking "There's a lot going on here." and I'm hoping you will sit at my table and ignore the mess and the dogs and the noise and just connect.

On Instagram, we see perfect table scapes (Are they really set out all the time? Where do they eat?), beautiful homeschool rooms, kids in matching clothes (I can barely pull together family photo clothes once a year), and there's honestly nothing wrong with those things, but when our feed is filled with that, we're then upset with the clutter on our table, our kids' stained shirts from playing in the mud, and the chipped plate our husband dropped off the tray of the grill (eh-hem).
At the Selah Summit in earlier in October, one thing that stuck out to me when we were excavating our thoughts to come to our why, our reason for putting ourselves out there and doing this thing, my small group kept saying "I want to be the person I wish I had." And in my life I came up with three things I needed more of: joy, rest, and rhythm.

And what I'd love to do is take up space in your feed with a normal family, doing wild things in a small town in Nebraska. We're running a business here that everyone said wouldn't work. We're homeschooling our four children when we're already really busy running that business. We're asking hard questions and having hard, but beautiful conversations daily. And I have more words than Instagram allows, so that's what this space is.
I don't know about you, but I am a Word of the Year person. Yes, you'll be hearing about this often as we pull 2020 to a close, by the way. But those words are what created the three things I want to offer you...Enjoy was my word in 2018, it taught my to enjoy tiny moments with my children and create those times as often as possible. No was our word as a couple in 2018, and it taught us something very important: rest. We began practicing Sabbath that year, and it took me to new levels of insanity as an enneagram one, but then real, actual freedom once I let myself actually rest. Then in 2019 my word was obedience, which taught me about rhythm and how obedience is taking small steps daily to serve God well. The small steps are rhythms we choose to create the life we want and the life God desires for us.

I'm an entrepreneur mom, homeschooling our four kids in Central Nebraska, and I'd love to help you dwell in a place of joy, rest, and rhythm in your home and business. You'll see everything from entrepreneur life and how we've built and grown our business to kid hilarity to working mom life struggles. I'm excited to share more about how Josh and I work as a team to achieve goals at home and work. If you're all of these things also and need someone to come alongside and link arms? I'm your girl. But if you're one of these things, and not all of them? You're welcome here too, and it's a good thing we're all linking arms because we've got you too.

Can’t wait to follow along. I need these kind of honest messages in my life 😘 thanks for having a lot to say!